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March 26, 2023- The Peters & Johns and Revelation up to ch. 6

Can you believe we only have one more week of reading and then we are done with the whole New Testament?!  I love reaching goals!! I will be able to check this one off my New Years Resolutions list.  Yay!  

Again, there is so much to comment about on the reading.  I am loving reading Revelation, but something stood out to me in 1 Peter I wanted to review. Did you see that Peter gave us a practical/concrete list of things to do in order to have a good life here on earth? It wasn't a long list and it was things that are easy to remember and do-able! That is my kind of list!

This is my paraphrased version of 1 Peter 3:10: 

- Hold your tongue

- Don’t lie

- Turn away from evil and do good

- Seek and pursue peace.

This is a list of righteous behavior (good works) that is required of citizens in God’s kingdom.  That’s straight forward, don’t you think? By doing these things, you are going to love your life and see good days (vs. 10)!

I love that!!

Now, Lord, if you could help me out with doing those things all the time, I would appreciate it! 😁

Have fun reading Revelation this week and please share anything that atood out to you!

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